Page 95 - The Lugdunum Auction 23
P. 95
506 Carlo Alberto, 1831-1849. 100 Lire 1832, Turin. Fr. 1138; KM 117.2. GOLD. Good very fine 1.000.-
507 Jacopo Tiepolo, 1229-1249. Grosso n.d. 2,15 g. Biaggi 2769; Gamberini 24. Very fine 50.-
508 Pietro Gradenigo 1289-1311. Grosso n.d. 2,11 g. Montenegro 65. Good very fine with nice toning 50.-
509 Andreas Vendramin, 1476-1478. Lead seal nd. 38,73 gr.; 33 mm. Good very fine 50.-
Provenance: Auction Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 13, Weil am Rhein (Germany), 9 October 2003, lot n°1125.
510 Andrea Gritti, 1523-1538. Marcello n.d. 3,13 g. Montenegro 348. Very fine with nice toning 50.-
511 Diminic Contari, 1659-1674. Ducato nd. 22,30 g. Mintmaster initials: G R. Dav. 4267; K/M 321; Pao. 15.
Very fine 50.-
512 Lot of 3 x silver coin: 1 x Ducatone nd (GF - Ludovico Manin, 1789-1797) & 2 x Scudo da 140 Soldi: nd
(PAM - Giovanni Cornaro I, 1624-1630 / traces of mounting and cleaned), nd (DB - Francesco Erizzo,
1631-1646). KM 748, KM 143 & KM 182. Very fine. One coin with traces of mounting and cleaned (3) 100.-
513 Lot of 35 x silver coin: 34 x Grosso & 1 x Marcello. Numerous different Doges.
Some coins with damages. Most very fine (35) 100.-
514 Lot of 15 x silver and copper coins: different types and rulers. Most very fine (15) 50.-
515 Napoleone I, 1805-1814. 40 Lire 1810 M, Milan. 12,84 g. Fr. 5; Mont. 196.
GOLD. Extremely fine with charming toning 500.-
516 Napoleone I, 1805-1814. 40 Lire 1811 M, Milan. 12,84 g. Fr. 5; Mont. 197. GOLD. Good very fine 500.-
517 Vittorio Emanuele II, 1861-1878. 20 Lire 1862 R, Rome. 6,45 g. Fr. 11; Mont. 132. GOLD. Uncirculated 250.-