Page 18 - The Lugdunum Auction 24
P. 18

A masterpiece of Renaissance medallic art by
                                            Pisanello (ca. 1380/1395 - ca.1450/1455)

                                                                       The first ever Renaissance Medal

                                                                 This medal was crafted in Ferrara in 1438-1439
                                                                 by the medallist and painter Antonio di
                                                                 Puccio Pisano,  better  known  as  Pisanello  (ca.
                                                                 1380/1395 - ca.1450/1455).
                                                                 Commonly regarded as one of the most
                                                                 distinguished painters of the Italian Quattro-
                                                                 cento, he illustrates with his art production the
                                                                 transition  between the courtly style of the
                                                                 Gothic art, or international Gothic style and
                                                                 the early Italian Renaissance.
                                                                 But his contribution to the history of art is
                                                                 not limited to paintings as he also revolutionized
                                                                 medallic art, having given birth, with this medal,
                                                                 to the first Renaissance medal ever produced.
                           Pisanello (ca. 1380/1395 - ca.1450/1455)
                    In addition to its great artistic merit, as well as its rarity, the political and religious context of this creation
                    make  it  even  more  interesting,  as  it  marks  both  the  begin  of  the  rich  production  of  Renaissance
                    medals that will revolutionize European medallic art, but also in some way the end of the over 1’000
                    years old Byzantine Empire.

                                                     Historical importance

                    This medal was crafted to commemorate a very important event: the visit of  the penultimate Byzan-
                    tine emperor John VIII Palaeologus (1392-1448) to Florence in 1438.

                    As  the  Byzantine  empire  was  on
                    the  verge  of  collapse,  almost re-
                    duced to the sole imperial city of
                    Constantinople, John VIII needed
                    the  assistance of the  West in  his
                    fight against the Ottomans.

                    For this purpose, he wanted to take
                    part  in  person  at the  Council  of
                    Ferrara-Florence,  whose  aim  was
                    to negotiate a military support of
                    the West, in return for the reuni-
                    fication  of the  Eastern  Orthodox
                    Church with the Catholics.

                                                     The Emperor John VIII Palaeologus by Benozzo di Lese di Sandro Gozzoli
                    His  visit  was  a  success  and  lead  to  the  issue  by  Pope  Eugene  IV,  on  6th  July  1439,  of  the  Bulla
                    Unionis  Graecorum,  temporary  ending  the  East-West  Schism  and  paving  the  way  to  a  Western
                    crusade,  by  both  land  and  see,  against  the  Ottomans.  Finally  proclaimed  on  1st  January  1443,  this
                    Western  crusade  never  took  place,  facilitating  and  allowing,  ten  years  later,  the  conquest  of
                    Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II on 29th May 1453 and the fall of the Byzantine empire.

                    If you want to learn more about this exceptional medal, do not hesitate to watch
                    our special presentation video on our website
                    (Highlights page) or by using this QR-Code

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